WASSP Multibeam, inline with their company philosophy of constant improvement, have invested in many new enhancements, bug fixes and licenses with the announcement of the release of two new firmware updates, CDX 4.0 and DRX 6.0, for its F3 and F3X multibeam sonar systems designed for the fishing industry.
These updates will add a number of new functions to WASSP systems currently in use and, in most cases, can be installed by existing users free-of-charge.
The firmware update will include a new TVG (20 and 40) option, added to the existing mode, shows the full water column and does not need to be tuned for different depths.
Also included is a new Multiresolution Database with automatic, depth-adjusted, best resolution mapping which can be used in all depths and to which existing databases can be uploaded.
A greatly improved mapping algorithm will reduce roll errors by using best data, both new and historic, and significantly enhance mapping and tracking in shallow water of less than 5m.
Add to that, aligned water column targets in sonar, sounder, 2D and 3D mapping can now be displayed in the same colour according to target or volumetric strength.
A new Wireless Licence option so that two vessels can share (via wireless connection) each other’s WASSP mapping, including 2D and 3D mapping and backscatter – ideal for fleets or partner boats.
A video demonstrating the system updates is available here.